Saturday, September 24, 2016

Newsday TV Book, September 24-30, 1972.

Yul Brynner, a hot property on the fall 1972 schedule with his Anna and the King series, literally steps off this cover and into your living room! (And then you could see him with his shiny head and PJ's every Sunday night... for thirteen episodes. Wanh-wah.)
(Don't forget to click on the photos to enlarge...)
In the TV Line column, precursor to the innernets for investigation of useless information by asking stupid questions, we learn about the Clancy Brothers and their rocker arm assemblies, Phyllis Haynes, the words to the "Meet the Mets" tune, whether New York Net Rick Barry is sticking with Eyewitness News, and the true name of not-a-dentist Doc Severinsen.
For the cover story, Brian Tochi sports a pin cushion and Samantha Eggar looks hot (in that British, Bowie-teethed way). In the article, Yul seems nonchalant about the potential success of the series. His life will go on... so maybe he'll go back to the Sorbonne. Just kidding--Westworld will pay the bills better than dumb old philosophizing.
Like last week, NBC gives us an ad for Sunday night's offerings, this time including Vincent Price and Bill Bixby on Night Gallery, more Rikers Island hijinks, and MacMillan and "helper" Wife.
On Laugh-In, it appears William Conrad borrowed Cliff Robertson's rug to portray "Captain Amazing." Guest Bob Crane had less than six years to live, and even worse, less than six months until Superdad.
Your Monday night had blind Mia Farrow and a midnight conundrum: Karloff or Kramden?
Viskupic's Cos sure looks like he's up to something.
Here's a Banacek close-up with honey Joanna Pettet, plunked amidst the afternoon schedule. I want to watch everything listed there, right now. No, you're stoned!
Wednesday night served up some Ken Berry and a late-night showing of Sally and St. Anne, a movie I recently found on an 80's tape. Peculiar, but looking at the pouty Ann Blythe makes any old movie more enjoyable.
More Viskupic, this time splitting up Chaplin.
Both Oscar Madison and Keith Partridge became smitten with princesses on Friday night. Then they all got locked in a basement with their exact doubles and accidentally got drunk. Remember how that kind of thing happened all the time back in the day? All the time!
Lots of great old names to be found on this Saturday night, but maybe you young folks will know Kate Hudson's mom in the movie close-up...
...and perhaps even Rashida Jones' mom in the crossword puzzle.Though I doubt it.
Next week: A dandy back cover that's not a snoozefest bank ad! I swear!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Newsday TV Book, September 17-23, 1972.

Sadly, it's been two weeks since the last post--that was the first of several gaps in my early collection, a sore point somewhat mitigated by the fact that I recently realized that the first issue I have (from April 9th 1972) appears to be the very first Newsday TV Book edition put out. Someone mentioned online that they once had the Mary Tyler Moore cover, and that it was one of the very first ones. Since that's the second in my collection, I thought maybe the one before it, with Jane Fonda on the cover, could be the first. Then it occurred to me that there's always an answer to the previous week's crossword puzzle, so I checked and lo and behold there is no such puzzle answer in that issue! I'm like the Nancy Drew of nostalgic nonsense!

Anyway, this week's cover features cuddly Sebastian Cabot and a googly-eyed skull touting Ghost Story. As Count Floyd would say, "Whoo! Scary!" (Click on pics to enlarge--if you dare!)
The Bill Kaufman interview covers Cabot's work in the short-lived horror anthology show (produced by William Castle), but it was his stint as "Pierre Sauvage," champeen wrestler of Belgium, that I enjoyed reading about the most.
In the TV Line this week: Mom remembers Jerome Thor, the difference between Gilbert O'Sullivan and Gilbert AND Sullivan, John Saxon's pretentious-sounding production company, the dazzlingly brilliant David Steinberg, and of course, never far from anyone's mind in the 70's, Paul Lynde.
Yul Brynner introduces himself and poorly-written ad copy for CBS' new Sunday night line-up. Tonight it includes Dick Van Dyke, Sandy Duncan and the real Popeye Doyle guesting on Mannix.
Here's a close-up on the new M*A*S*H show that went on to modest success.
Also on Sunday, Falk and Cassavetes together again, computery Kurt Russell, and Rikers rapping. You gotta love an ad that can't muster a single exclamation point of enthusiasm.
A stellar line-up graces this week's Wednesday showing of Search. I'm in for Milton Selzer alone!
Here's your Thursday night sched, with a close-up on Bobby Sherman doing a bit on The Mod Squad as a tycoon's son who joins a biker gang to rob his dad as a joke. Huh? (Whatever, as long as he doesn't sing.)
The Bradys hit Hawaii in the first of a classic three-parter. That's right, I've dubbed this corny pile of crap a classic, whaddaya gunna do about it? And not for nothing, but Greg, buddy, you can do better.
Friday night's programs were worth staying home for, especially with all the great appearances on Love, American Style by actors that Gilbert Gottfried will soon be interviewing for his podcast (many via Ouija board, once the still-living ones run out).
McQueen doesn't look all that cool in this pic, which means he's only about a thousand times cooler than the rest of us.
On Saturday night, we night owlets could read over some hilarious John Cashman reviews while deciding between Carson or Kup.
The back cover is the same stinking bank ad it's been for weeks, so here instead is the customary preview of next Sunday, printed in order to help "plan next weekend." This time out they even added a photo, in case you forgot what Jack Lemmon looks like. Thanks Newsday! See you next week!

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Newsday TV Book, September 3-9, 1972.

Well now, it seems this li'l bloggy bowl of nostalgic noodlings has found some fresh partakers thanks to a piece on Metafilter, along with a few other nice write-ups I've recently discovered. (Btw, Meta, it's called "Don't Parade IN My Rain," and maybe someday I'll cough up the five bucks to correct you...)

Welcome, and please now to enjoy the 1972 "Fall Preview" issue of the Newsday TV Book!

We begin with the cover by mystery artist Sudduth, not especially inspired or interesting, although the colors are nice and autumnal.
The TV Line has a housewife buggy for Robert Fuller, print too small for the small screen, Dennis Cole (and a mention of his ill-fated son Joe), and, believe it or not, Wordsworth...
(Don't forget: always click on the pic to make it big, ya dig?)
The Fall Preview begins with a look at all the blockbuster movies the networks were offering this season, perhaps a reaction to earlier efforts to lure movie stars to their own shows which then bombed. Why not instead funnel that money into, say, two showings of My Fair Lady? (Three million bucks!?!)
The next couple of pages cover the kinds of shows being rolled out, along with specials and kid stuff.
Now the day-to-day, with Sunday giving us Yul Brynner, George Kirby, Jonathan Winters, and the returns of Richard Boone and Robert Vaughn.
Monday and Tuesday brought back the Cos, Edith's cousin Maude, some Rookies and an All in the Family-ish animated show that I vaguely recall enjoying.
Wednesdays introduced Police Surgeon, Paul Lynde, Search (formerly Probe--ouch), and a Julie Andrews variety show, the first for both her and the ABC studio.
Thursday ushered in Young Dr. Kildare and Black Beauty, and gave the Waltons their 8 PM home for the next nine years.
Brian Keith returned to TV on Fridays with The Little People (and that doesn't mean Buffy and Jody), and then Mr. French spooked us worse than, well, Buffy and Jody.
Finishing out the week, Grasshopper entertains and enlightens us every fourth week (?), Bob Hartley sets up office, and Birney and Baxter are the new Stiller and Meara--yeah, right!
The Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon began Sunday night, so along with The Shirley Bassey Show, one may have had the opportunity to see Paul Anka and The Establishment twice in the wee hours.
The Olympics continued from Munich, with the massacre of the Israeli athletes and coaches taking place the morning of the 5th (the night of the 4th for New Yorkers).
On Tuesday night, old ushered in new as Howdy Doody introduced NBC cartoon crap such as The Barkleys for the Saturday morning line-up. Buffalo Bob shows up of course, along with Clarabell and Cynthia Goodheart. Forget them, what happened to that hottie Princess Summerfall Winterspring?
(The answer is awful, btw.)
The work of Gary Viskupic turns up twice in this issue--first on Wednesday for a CBS Reports special about Justice William O. Douglas...
...and then for a PBS Dizzy Gillespie bio two nights later.
Back on Thursday, Miss America 1965 (and Christian ventriloquist--totally not kidding) Vonda Van Dyke turned out for the Pageant Parade. (Also note Billy Graham's "The Devil Made Me Do it" sermon at nine and Devil Doll at 1 AM.) Anyone know the title of the movie listing continued at upper left? The beginning of the description is "A weird mailman decides he's due for..."
Answer: Tiger Makes Out.

Obscure Long Island Advertising Character: The Pix Photographic Enterprises Gunslinger!
Here's that Saturday morning of premieres and returns. Remember how you'd wake up at dawn because you could hardly wait for Roman Holidays to start? I didn't think so.
Saturday night had the Miss America Pageant (with the amazingly-to-this-day-still-pretty-hot Phyllis George) and some interesting specials on NBC...
...with late-night bringing the chilling horror, thrilling adventures, and distilling John Cashman reviews.
Since there's yet another boring bank ad on the back cover, I've got something different for you: this edition included a film processing mailer. Try explaining this to a young'un for dull stares and eye-rolls galore!

Hey, the back of the envelope has some great offers on pens and memo pads, and I could really use those! Here, let me just write down that addre---ah, goddammit!

See you next time, if I remember!