Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Newsday TV Book, March 6-12, 1977.

This issue's been in my Nerd Archive for close to two decades, not sure why I've never taken a closer look at it on the blog. The cover is a promo shot for the TV Movie A Circle of Children with Jane Alexander, and if you look closely, Todd Bridges is directly behind her, and then over to the right is Kyle Richards, future Real Housewife. Between them is a kid I woulda swore was Philip McKeon (but it apparently ain't) and Rachel Longaker (trust me, you've seen her in something).
The cover story is by Bill Kaufman.
Newsday readers request a gender reveal for a Mouseketeer, wonder if the Osmonds' ice is real, and long for more of Erica Wilson's needlework. (If you're still holding out for more episodes, E.F. of Westbury, I hate to break it to you: she died of a stroke 14 years ago at age 83.)
Sunday morning brought Little Giant for Bud & Lou fans, while the Bowery Boys yukked it up in Jail Busters. The Executive Hair Centers ad is a total rip-off of Dave Berg (Mad Magazine's "The Lighter Side of..." artist), as I demonstrated HERE on the DPiMR Facebook page.
Bob Newman offers a somewhat Viskupic-esque illustration for The Gambler, and elsewhere on the Sunday afternoon sched you had your choice of Elvis, Bob Hope, McHale's Navy, and (for you high-falutin' types) Dick and Liv.
What the hell--here's the rest o' Sunday!
Monday night has an unidentified Newsday artist's hairy take on The Wind and the Lion, and there's an ad for The Westbury Home for Adults in... Jericho?
Finally, a Viskupic illustration! Uh... hmm. Looks like Gary phoned it in a li'l bit.
Late Tuesday brought prime Python, sub-prime Marx Brothers and Laurel & Hardy, and an embarrassed Basil Rathbone (according to reviewer John Cashman).
Another full day: Saturday, including an amusingly on-the-nose Visk drawing for Mean Streets! Oh, you lucky girls and boys!
A dismal Crosswords attempt (wudn me) and an Easter clip art Dollar Shoe Outlet ad.
Now for a couple ads: Dk Fusion is perfect! Romance, shower, play the roughest sports! Simultaneously!
With the World Modeling Association, dreams come true at the Waldorf! Thanks, Ruth Tolman!
Dining Car 1890--authentic rolling stock, Chicken Kiev, and Museums at Stony Brook admission!
See you next time, when I'll have more Worship for Shut-Ins!
(Sunday, 7:30 am, WTNH 8)


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