Thursday, May 30, 2024

Newsday TV Books, May 1978.

Indeed, here's May 1978--which is forty-six years ago, whaaaaaat?--plus a little bit of June. I don't have the entire month, but a three-week stretch is a pretty good run. I got these three issues (with 17 others from the seventies) about a year ago. I had hoped to get them each featured on the blog earlier this month, but life has a knack for getting in the way of itself, I guess. So here, for now, are just the covers and TV Line columns. I hope to add more at some point, but I wanted them on here before this merry, merry month was over.
(Click pics to enlarge and clarify)

First, Beege Barkett and The Bastard have a roll in the hay.
For what it's worth, the gal in that photo doesn't look like Rebecca Balding to me. Pretty sure it's Stephanie Zimbalist. (Or maybe Stephanie Zimbalist Jr.)
As if James Coburn wasn't scary enough, he's practically lunging out at you from this cover, brandishing a panatela.
I love the question about Meredith MacRae and Meredith Baxter Birney. How low does your IQ have to be for you to be unable to differentiate between two women with long blonde hair because they have the same given name?
Moffat and Grimes in Tartuffe on PBS? The ratings must have been through the... well, probably not the roof. Maybe an ottoman, or a Japanese coffee table.
In this week's TV Line, another inquiring half-wit can't tell the difference between FOUR people. Hey, B.R. of Farmingdale, have you ever seen Lani O'Grady and Herve Villechaize in the same room? Makes you wonder, dud'nit?
BONUS! Here's all of Monday's Memorial Day listings, for the hell of it.

Soon comes June! And that's the name o' that tune, ya loony goon!

(Sorry, I'm not sure where that burst of random rhyming came from, except that I was recently ruminating that, back in the VCR days, if a video store had a separate porno section through those swinging café doors, it would have been funny if they posted a sign above them that read "Poon Saloon." Wouldn't that be a hoot? Maybe it's just me.)