Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Newsday TV Book, June 18-24 1972.

This week's cover (or, indeed, last week's, if you really want to annoy me) features the late Richard Castellano. You know him as Clemenza from "The Godfather." No one knew him from "The Super."
Here's everything you ever wanted to know about Castellano, including that he was thirty-seven when he played Clemenza!
It would seem that many of the questions in the TV Line this week were written by children. One hopes, anyway.
Rich Little got a lot of work in the 70's, despite being a rather uninspired impersonator. I mean, did you ever see his George Burns and go, "Whoa, that's uncanny! He sure nailed all his little quirks!"
Always loved me some Pflug!
You have to love any ad with a down-trodden, black-eyed child whose worldview is already blighted by the shame of enuresis.

Finally, on the back cover, more magnificent furnishings from the Colonial Shoppes, fine enough for Martha Washington herself (though maybe not that bitch Dolley Madison).


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