Saturday, November 27, 2021

Newsday TV Book, November 25-December 1, 1973.

 This week's TV Book is one I had previously only uploaded the cover for, so here are some more scans from the issue.

The cover is a color Gary Viskupic illustration for that week's NBC TV movie, Frankenstein: The True Story with Michael Sarrazin.

The TV Line Q&A is notable for a rather offensive question that appears to have had a longer answer, but an editor may have decided to put the kibosh on it. Also addressed: Kate Hepburn's marital status, Pamelyn Ferdin and the various Lucy's, and everything anyone ever wanted to know about Wayne Maunder (except that he died suddenly three years ago this month).
Holiday Spa (with a Plainview location, woot-woot!) offers some body magic, and a pic that probably inspired some TV Book readers to partake in a little sleight-of-hand of their own back in the day.
Newsday writer Bill Kaufman considers the many actors who have lumbered in the cumbersome boots of Frankenstein's Monster over the years.
Among the gift ideas suggested by advertisers, we find a Flipper Table at Minnesota Fats of Westbury, and a clip art table-saw Santa.
The late Monday schedule has many delights, including another Viskupic drawing in his inimitable style: lighthearted yet with a sense of unease. The last entry is a John Cashman review where he takes his customary potshot at Vera Hruba Ralston.
Tuesday's late sched features a Bob Newman illustration for Uncle Miltie's show biz celebration, and a Cashman review with another of his hallmarks: the not-entirely-damning "sitthroughable" designation.
Just becuz, here are all of Friday's and Saturday's listings. This first page, Friday morning, includes the weekly WPIX airing of Joya's Fun School (the rest of the week it was Magic Garden in that time slot), a beloved show that I've read is pretty much dust in the wind at this point. WNEW put some Musketeers in for Casper and Huckleberry Hound that day.
Yet another Visku-Pic up next, again for the cover movie. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town came to town on ABC, back when if you missed it, you missed it. Which was awful.
I forgot to mention the WSNL listings, Long Island's channel 67, and such barely-recalled shows as Strange  Paradise. Cashman shouts out to Maria Ouspenskaya.
Saturday's listings are chock full o' vintage-even-then horror and sci-fi flicks, with colossal men, cobra women...
...voodoo men, Bowery Boys meeting monsters, little women... (Oh wait, that movie is only horror if you're a young boy forced to sit through it.) Best of all, however, is the Christmas ad for Hicks Nurseries in Westbury!
Ned Levine contributes a whimsical take on that year's Army-Navy game, and Bill Daily hosts old pantalooned pal Barbara Eden on Hocus Pocus.
The week came to end with Bride of Frankenstein thoughtfully chosen for WOR's Fright Night feature, and a curious double feature for WABC's Saturday Night Movie line-up (presuming that's what it was called then, as it was later). Here's a link to the similar Sunday Night Movie open, on my YouTube channel.
CJC Kitchen Corporation of Copiague appears to be long gone, but this hectic ad (with its terrific clip art of an attractive young couple--resembling, to my eye, Christopher George and Jennifer Lawrence--gleefully pointing) is timeless.
If you're like me (and oh lord, pray you aren't), you prefer your Christmas and Chanukah financial planning to be no-nonsense. On the back cover, County Federal Savings claims to have your back... uh, covered.
Beats me, but something Christmasy, I hope!


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