Saturday, April 10, 2021

Newsday TV Book, April 9-15, 1978.

I've had this issue (with Fred Willard and Martin Mull of America 2Night on the cover) since early in my collecting career, so I don't know why I haven't taken a closer look at it here before. Maybe because the pic is so familiar--I've used it online to commemorate Independence Day for years now--I guess it just sorta felt like I had it covered already.
(And a strange cover it is for an April edition, but whatever...)

I'll put the accompanying Bill Kaufman-penned story here, although it's scattered through the issue...
(Click to ENLARGE)
The trusty TV Line answered every then-unGoogleable boob-tube-related insignificance a curious Long Islander could imagine, so troubled minds could rest easier knowing that, indeed, Ted Knight provided the voices for Cosby Birdwell and the evil Count Saccnuson.
The reviews of the Cable TV Highlights page--a new-fangled feature incorporated into the TV Book the previous September--seem to have been written by John Cashman (rather than, say, Joseph Gelmis, the regular movie reviewer for the paper).
I include this next page (with some Tuesday afternoon listings) mainly for the advertisement hawking projection televisions by touting upcoming network programs which might be more enjoyable on a large screen. (Such as... Columbo?) It's fairly unusual to see this kind of topicality in a TV Book ad, other than those relating to a particular holiday.
Similarly, I include this page not just because it's cool to see the listings for a typical weekday morning, but also because I love the clip art of the fella literally looking into a pool.
Now here's Thursday afternoon's programming, and a clip art schlemiel crashing through the floor of his den thanks to them damn termites.
This next one is just a page of ads, notable (?) for the Long Island Pest Control Association emblem (and the code of ethics it proudly stood for). Also, I don't know if those Bow-Wow-Meow locations are still around, but if they are, give that coupon a shot--they neglected to indicate a year! A buck's a buck!
To finish out the post, here's all of Friday and Saturday, enjoy...


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