Monday, November 09, 2020

Newsday TV Book, November 10-16, 1974.

Johnny Cash's big ol' stone noggin dominates the landscape on this week's cover, as he chugs across the country in his new special. You know it's gonna be a slow week programming-wise when the cover story is about a show that airs next week.

The TV Line is heavy on Fiddler on the Roof info this week. (Tevye was in his early 30's?!?)

I include the Tuesday afternoon listings just for the Woodro Restaurant ad and its reference to "Jewish Pilgrims." Also, since finding this ad, I can't tell you how many times a day I bellow, "Don't potchka with the kotchka!" (In my head, of course.)

In his inimitable way, Viskupic again takes a mundane idea--smiling Jacques Cousteau as breaching whale (or something)--and makes it deeply unnerving. Maybe it's just me.
As suspected, it was a weak week, so here's all day Saturday, the 16th.
And finally... the first Hicks Nurseries Christmas ad of the season! This was as good as the first snowflake, or first Christmas carol on the radio!
Well, I believe the remaining issues to finish out the rest of 1974 have been covered in these pages already (here's the next week), so off I go to find other holiday nonsense. Be sure to visit the Facebook page for supplemental materials, and check the YouTube channel for Christmas videos, links forthcoming but my computer ain't having it at the moment...


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