Monday, September 14, 2020

Newsday TV Book, September 8-14, 1974.

What? Another post again, so soon? Yeah, got some free time. That's one of my favorite things about autumn: the daily chores lessening as the weeks go on, gardening, watering, mowing, etc. So let's waste some more of our precious waning hours on earth with useless nostalgia!

The Newsday TV Book cover for the second week of September 1974 features eleven-year-old Jodie Foster, taking on the Oscar-winning Tatum O'Neal role for the television adaptation of Paper Moon.

In the TV Line Q&A, Long Islanders wonder about Ethel Mertz' movie career, the unlikable Larry Linville, and the many loves of Lana Turner.
Here's Sunday morning, just because I know some folks like to see what Abbott & Costello and Bowery Boys flicks were on. I was in church so I never got to watch any of them, goddamn it!
(As you can see, it didn't take.)
I mainly include the Monday night listings for the accompanying ABC ad (plus here are the rest of the week's full-page ads that were scattered throughout the guide).

If you were wishing for a Gary Viskupic rendering of Planet of the Apes, well, this is your lucky day!
Finally, the back cover, another salacious ad for Holiday Spa, with extra helpings of cheesecake!
See you next week (or possibly tomorrow, we'll see how it goes)!


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