Saturday, September 10, 2022

Newsday TV Book, September 17-23, 1978.

I started a little early on this one, partially because Blogger tends to give me fits lately, but also because I knew there'd be a lot of pages to scan. Let's get to it!

Battlestar Galactica premiered on ABC this Sunday, which gives us this week's cover. Some Cylons get intimate as Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Starbuck look on.

In case you were unaware, Isaac Asimov explains why the show, scientifically speaking, was complete daggit-shit.
We learn everything about Billy Joel in the TV Line this week, plus info on Rerun, Jim Rockford's non-existent secretary and more.
It appears as though this may be the first appearance of the Off Camera behind-the-scenes column, and they start out strong with some juicy Storm Field gossip, raising all sorts of burning questions: why won't he talk about his marriage? Why is the station covering it up? And why can't Newsday just respect somebody's goddamn privacy?
Before we delve into the full Sunday listings, NBC drops an ad for Dumbo and Kong.
A note precedes the morning schedule to let readers know that the ongoing New York City newspaper strike may affect local news coverage. The strike, which began August 10th, would last another seven weeks.
I've become obsessed with memorializing the noseless preggo of Dan Howard's Maternity Factory Outlet ads, in all her various outfits. Here she's in some sort of hoodie loungewear which, if you remove her legs, kinda makes her look like the murderous dwarf in Don't Look Now.
WOR (NYC's channel 9) took advantage of NBC's Kong remake broadcast to drag out the original King for a non-Thanksgiving showing.
In the midst of the Sunday listings, ABC ran this Battlestar Galactica ad, one of four illustrated by Frank Frazetta.
Now it's Son of Kong's turn to ride the network coattails.
Monday night brought the 1978 Emmy Awards Presentations. Newsday, as always, offered a ballot showing the major nominees, denoting the picks of their esteemed TV critic (wait, was there really such a thing?) Marvin Kitman.
ABC brought Lassie back, and Terry Bradshaw scored against baldness. (Twelve points, to be exact, although it's not clear how this was quantified.)
Another ad, but this time it's CBS (local channel 2, WCBS, more specifically) touting the British-produced Bonkers! with the Hudson Brothers.
Here's Tuesday afternoon, mainly for the kinda-neat television rental ad, but also because I enjoyed the Frankie & Annette beach party movies, both on the WABC 4:30 Movie and when they aired late at night.
Tuesday evening, mostly for the admittedly humdrum Viskupic drawing for Airport '77.
Thursday's late night listings feature the usual edifying reviews by the penetrating John Cashman, but there's also an ad for Pancho Villa's Mexican Restaurant in Huntington, still there but without the dedicated leadership of the Chapa family.
Saturday, in all its seventies-liciousness.
I just have to mention that I LOVE when ads have a mixture of realistic and cartoony clip art, so thank you Petmobile Mobile Dog Grooming!
Viskupic livens up a bit for his illustration for the gothic horror flick Burnt Offerings.

Cable TV Highlights, a column I perused with envy for almost three more years. (Not this one specific column, you understand--I mean each week until dad buckled and got us Cablevision in August of '81.)
Here are some random ads. The Smithtown Furniture Warehouse Showroom depicts the Americana-type couches my family had: stiff, itchy, and thoroughly nap-resistant.
P/J's Dance Charisma hoped to convince you to invest in some disco lessons (a "fevery hustle," indeed).
Finally, the color back-cover bank ad (the color being yellow) shows a parade of satisfied account-holders with their portable Philcos, as one woman in a snappy fedora and argyle vest pullover wonders, "Hey, how do I get me one o' them fuckin' cheap TV's?" Well, lady, I don't know why you have to be such a pottymouth about it, but just go to County Federal Savings and deposit a shitload of money! (Oh, great, now she's got me doing it!)
Bye for now, but I'll see you later with more old bullshit!


Blogger The O'Shaughnessys said...

They shoulda made that vampire film with Travolta.

Sat Sep 10, 09:44:00 PM 2022  

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