Sunday, July 31, 2022

Newsday TV Book, July 31-August 6, 1977.

What, another post so soon? Must be summer, cos I'm burning up!
(Actually, the weather is pretty mild here, so that's nice. Too nice, certainly, to be in my basement Nerd Room editing and writing a bunch of nonsense, but there ya go.)

The only other 1977 issue that I've done so far is from January, so I thought I'd scan this one from deep in the doldrums (whatever that means) of the long, hot months. The next '77 edition I have is from the end of September, so the fall schedules should be quite different from what you'll find in the others.

This time out, Jane Pauley shows up on the cover, no longer a rookie at Today.

In the TV Line, once again an inquisitive Long Islander demands to know the height and weight of a particular actress. (For what it’s worth, Fat Sam gets the same treatment.) Deirdre Hall's identical twin sister went from teaching retarded kids to entertaining soap opera viewers, a lateral move at best.
I never dug Abbott & Costello all that much, and the Bowery Boys even less so. And Sunday morning religion and public affairs shows--forget it! But I still enjoy seeing the schedules. Go figure.
What the heck, here's the rest of Sunday. The hair replacement process from Marsha & Johns [sic] Men's Hair Center defied detection (unless, like Colorado Rockies LD Steve Durbano, your big bald noggin was right there in the ad).
Young up-and-coming comics Dave Letterman and Jeff Altman contributed a few yuks to the Starland Vocal Band Show, along with some Firesign Theatre guys and, theoretically, Mark Russell.
Some interesting John Cashman reviews in the wee hours. For those keeping typo score, the word "best" was left out of the Tarzan review. Not that I would notice a piddling detail like that.
Since I put some Tuesday listings into the aforelinked January issue post, here's all of Tuesday, just to give you an idea of a typical summer weekday's offerings.
This ad for Executive Hair Centers was part of a plagiarism case, albeit one that only I noticed. Read about it here at the Facebook page that goes along with this blog (and take a look around while yer there, lots of fun time-wasting to be savored there...).
I only include this page for the close-up, depicting the summer series The Kallikaks. Bonnie Ebsen, who looks all of her 26 years in this photo (and then some), played the teenage daughter of Edie McClurg--who was only six years older!
Thursday evening featured an ABC News Closeup which got the Viskupic treatment, an illustration that I guess references the story on hyperactive kiddies (and looks an awful lot like my Pius pal Chris).
Here's all the stuff you weren't watching on Saturday because you were at the beach or whatever.
Finally, a page of ads just because of the one for Williams Cyclery, in my hometown. They also sold toys and pool stuff, so to this day the smell of inflatable vinyl floats and/or bike tires takes me back to buying Star Wars figures there. (Also, the name "Scappy Peck" makes me laugh, even after searches revealed it was really "Scappy & Peck" and not some guy by that name. Oh well.)
That's it for this time--keep an eye out for that late September issue!
Even if I forget to do it, keep watching! Do it!


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