Friday, December 30, 2022

Newsday TV Book, December 31-Jan 6, 1972.

Jumping back to the last day of 1972, and the only issue I haven't covered from that year (beginning with the first one in April), so that's pretty excitin'!

Guy Lombardo graces the cover, naturally, as he was the ambassador (along with the Royal Canadians of his orchestra) of the New Year going back to a holiday soiree at the Roosevelt Hotel in 1929.

In TV Line, someone from Syosset (yes, non-Long Islanders, that's a real place) wants to know how Lance Rentzel's poem goes. (Btw, if you're interested in reading his book to hear his side of the story about exposing himself to two young girls from his car—consequently losing wife Joey Heatherton in the bargain—as I recall it's in one measly paragraph near the end and there's not much to it. There, I just saved you from reading a book by a pedo who played football.)
Here's the story to go with the cover, and a Gary Viskupic illustration which encompasses Three Dog Night in one guy. So one is not all that lonely of a number after all!

My computer is being persnickety, so I'm just gonna throw all my scans up here and we'll see if I get back so I can add my usual snarky observations. If not, you're welcome. Happy New Year!

And just because I though it would cool all together:


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